CONCRETE Audition Information

Our audition protocol will take a two-part format. One part is written, and one part is video submission.

Video: Please submit a 3-5 minute film of yourself performing a scene that shows storytelling through movement. Your movement should include both naturalistic/pedestrian and stylized/dance movement modalities. You should seamlessly move back and forth between both your pedestrian body and your dancing body throughout the scene. Feel free to be creative and use materials, props, and lighting to highlight your physical versatility and gesture. Videos should be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo and submitted by link. Please do not add your video as an attachment to your submission email.

Artist Statement: Please submit your artistic practice and why immersive theatre training would be meaningful to you at this phase of your development (not to exceed two pages).

Application fee: We are asking that all applicants send a $20 application fee via Venmo to @KK_CONCRETE.

In the payment description, please include your first and last name, followed by “CONCRETE application”. Applications submitted without a corresponding Venmo transaction will not be considered for admission.

“John Smith, CONCRETE application"


Audition link will remain open until March 24th.